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Online Item Samplers
This website provides access to item samplers for Reading and Mathematics GRAD; Reading, Mathematics, and Science MCA; and Reading and Mathematics MCA-Modified.
Note: You must use a supported Mozilla Firefox browser to access the item samplers via this link. To view item samplers with text-to-speech, you must access them using AIR’s secure browser.
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Reading GRAD Item Sampler[pdf]
These documents provide sample questions for the Reading GRAD. These item samplers are designed to familiarize test administrators and students with the format of the test. Item samplers include examples that are similar to test administration materials; however, they cannot be used to predict how well students will perform on the GRAD.
Mathematics GRAD Item Sampler[pdf]
These documents provide sample questions for the Mathematics GRAD. These item samplers are designed to familiarize test administrators and students with the format of the test. Item samplers include examples that are similar to test administration materials; however, they cannot be used to predict how well students will perform on the GRAD.
Written Composition GRAD Item Sampler[pdf]
These documents provide a sample prompt, information about the Written Composition GRAD, rubrics and sample student responses for each score point level.
Contact Us
West Central Area Schools
District # 2342
301 County Road #2 - Barrett, MN 56311
District Office Phone - 320-528-7300 -- High School Office Phone - 320-528-7400 -- Fax - 320-528-2279
WCA North Elementary: Phone - 218-685-7500 - Fax - 218-685-4149
411 First St SE -- Elbow Lake, MN 56531
WCA South Elementary: Phone - 320-965-7600 - Fax - 320-965-2264
31 N Central Ave -- Kensington, MN 56343
WCA Bus Garage -- 320-528-2670