5th-12th Media Center

5th-12th Media Center
Posted on 03/05/2019
The WCA Secondary school has a wonderful media center full of an assortment of books: Graphic Novels, Audio Books, Non-fiction, Fiction, Picture Books and Reference Books.  There are also local newspapers and magazines.

5th and 6th graders come in once a week for a half hour media time where they get to pick out books and have some time for reading. Some of our online students use the library for their classes and student aides will often use the media center when helping teachers with correcting papers or other duties.  Students access it throughout the day to do research and for checking out books.  There is also a computer lab for student use.

Typically, books are ordered 2 times a school year. These are chosen a few different ways: through researching on different internet book sites, as well as book catalogs on what young people are reading, what’s popular out there and sometimes students will let Mrs. Ostenson know of a good book or series they feel should be in our media center.

Old books that are not checked out for a number of years may be weeded out and sometimes new ones will be ordered with updated information. Non-fiction books have changed a lot over the years, the way the information is presented.  Harry Potter series and Series of Unfortunate Events, are some of our old series that are still very popular. Occasionally, new copies are ordered because the old ones get worn out.

So far this year over 5,200 books have been checked out at West Central Area Secondary by grades 5-12 and adults that work at the school.